Beszámoló kategória bejegyzései

Felhívás nyakkendő készítés ügyben

Az IPA Szombathelyi Szervezet megküldött egy tájékoztató anyagot, melyben IPA emblémás nyakkendő készíttetésére hívja fel a figyelmet. A megrendeléssel és szétosztással kapcsolatosan is vállalnak feladatot.
A mellékelt anyagban minden leírt Ribes Úr.
Kérem, hogy fontoljátok meg a megrendelést, hiszen már nagyon régen nem készült ilyen jellegű IPA relikvia.A megrendelést küldhetitek nekem is, de közvetlen a Ribes úr e-mailjére – ra.


Lovasi József

IPA MSZ Főtitkár

IPA Information Guide – April Edition

Please click here to view the latest edition of the IPA Information Guide:  IPA-InfoGuide-April19

The Guide has also been attached in pdf format for you.

Since the last edition, there have been changes to the following sections’ pages:

·         Botswana

·         Canada

·         Greece

·         Luxembourg

·         Macau

·         Mauritius

·         Netherlands

·         New Zealand

·         Romania

·         Slovenia

If your section has an update, please kindly send it to the IAC for inclusion in the next edition.

Kind Regards



IPA Newsletter April 2019

Dear IPA friends

Welcome to the April 2019 edition of the IPA Newsletter!

A pdf version has been attached for your convenience, and as always, a Word copy is available on request.

Please circulate the IPA Newsletter as appropriate – we will also publish it on the IPA international website and post it on social media.

I hope you enjoy this edition, and welcome your feedback J

Kind regards,

Elke Schülpen-Roberts

Office Manager & Newsletter Editor

IPA International Administration Centre

IPA Hosting Book – Version 09 – April 2019

Dear IPA Friends,

On behalf of the Socio-Cultural Commission, please find attached the IPA Hosting Book kindly updated for April 2019 by Vossie Vos of IPA South Africa.

Changes include:

Section Canada

Other Accommodation: Amended Website address on page 8

Section Germany

Official IPA House: The IPA House ‘Altes Schäferhaus’ in Büdingen, Germany, is now closed

Section Italy

Other Accommodation: Amended physical and email address of Stifterhof Castle

The Hosting Book can also be found in an online magazine version here: IPA-HostingBook-April2019 and will be updated on the IPA IAC website Tuesday 26th April (

If your IPA section would like to update the information contained in the Hosting Book, please contact Vossie at or the IAC at

Kind Regards



Message from IPA Croatia: IYG 2019 fully booked

Message :

We inform you that we are fully booked for the IPA IYG 2019.

Vacancies might arise, if sections who have reserved seats and committed to participate,  do not attend due to reasons that prevent them from doing so.

We will know this after 1st May 2019.

We have also posted this information on our website .

Many thanks,

Vlaho Lujo

Head IYG Coordinator

IPA Section Croatia

IPA Information Guide – March 2019

Please click here to view the latest edition of the IPA Information Guide:  IPA-Information-Guide-March-2019  

The Guide has also been attached in pdf format for you.

Since the last edition, there have been changes to the following sections’ pages:

·         Canada

·         Czech Republic

·         F.Y.R.O Macedonia

·         Ireland

·         Macau

If your section has an update, please kindly send it to the IAC for inclusion in the next edition.

Kind Regards



IPA Newsletter March 2019

Dear IPA friends

Welcome to the March 2019 edition of the IPA Newsletter!

A pdf version has been attached for your convenience, and as always, a Word copy is available on request.

Please circulate the IPA Newsletter as appropriate – it will of course also be published on the IPA international website and on social media.

I hope you enjoy this edition, and welcome your feedback J

Kind regards,

Elke Schülpen-Roberts

Office Manager & Newsletter Editor

IPA International Administration Centre

Message from the Head of Administration: Guidance document for persons organising IPA branded events in countries other than their own.

Dear IPA Friends,

Following on from the successful Italian Motion to the World Congress in Bulgaria on this subject, my good friend George Katsaropoulos fully intended to draft a guidance document, but due to the sad circumstances of his health, he was unable to fulfil this task.

I have now completed this, based on the sensible content of the motion, and present it to you now with the agreement of the IEB from our meeting in Dublin, for the guidance of your members when organising IPA branded events in countries other than their own.

Kind regards,

Stephen Crockard

Head of Administration

Acting Secretary General

IPA International Executive Board

Liaison officer for the African Sections,

Section Ireland and Section United Kingdom

IPA Information Guide – February 2019 Edition

Please click here to view the latest edition of the IPA Information Guide:  IPA-Information-Guide-Feb19

The Guide has also been attached in pdf format for you.

Since the last edition, there have been changes to the following sections’ pages:

·         Canada – new website address

·         Gibraltar – new Sec Gen, plus email for President

·         Lesotho – new official email

·         Spain – new Travel Secretary

·         Uzbekistan – board and contact updates

·         Poland – one VP position vacant

If your section has an update, please kindly send it to the IAC for inclusion in the next edition.

Kind Regards
