Dear friends
Now that we are after the election, I want to thank each one of you. Those who voted for me and those who didn’t.
We will continue to be friends and meet in the future as well.
You are invited to visit Israel, the Holy Land. We would love to host you and friends from all sections in the world.
IPA Israel will continue to be a major and leading section in collaboration with all sections in the world.
Now I have more time for IPA Israel, as the vice president.
In our section it is a blessing and I will continue to do the best for all our members.
I wish that lot of sections will participate in the IPA games in Montenegro.
It was my dream, to initiate a big sports event for 100% IPA members.
In Lisbon we had the first and historical games and I hope that the second IPA games will be bigger, better and with much more participants.
I wish to all the IEB members, success. To Elke and the IAC, thank you for everything. To Vivian and her team, thank you.
I wish Kyriakos, who replaced me, and the new SCC, the best. We had a great team.
See you all.
Adv. Gal Sharon Vice President