IPA UK Event: Region Scotland – Mini Friendship Weekend

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1 Region Scotland – West Branch – Mini Friendship Weekend

As part of Scotland’s tribute to the 70th anniversary of the Association the West Branch propose to hold a mini Friendship Weekend in conjunction with it’s National Patron Saint Day – St.Andrew.  The proposed weekend will consist of 2 nights Dinner, Bed and Breakfast a guided bus tour round the South West of Scotland and a Gala Dinner Dance featuring local traditional entertainers. The dates are Friday 27th November – Sunday 29th November 2020.

The Branch are looking at two possible venues both are 3-4 star quality.  To date these have not been confirmed but status will be updated as soon as possible along with cost and additional information.

Should you wish to register your interest please do so as soon as possible to avoid disappointment to email:  bill.petherick@outlook.com

Cathy Key

Member Services Representative and Office Assistant

International Police Association, IPA HQ – Section UK

Telephone: 0115 9813638

Police Roll of Honour Trust (Registered charity No 1081637) Section UK Charity for 2019.