Police Event 2019 – INVITATION

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Dear colleagues, dear police Union, dear police fors,

I would like to draw your attention to this mail. On behalf of the Dutch police and the German police, we are organizing an interesting police event! Last year our event was a great success, that is why we organize the conference again. We will organize the conference with the German colleagues and we would love to invite you.

This year we invite over 40 countries and we would like to welcome you.

You will receive this email as an invitee. If you are not interested in our event, please sent this E-mail forward to your local police contacts, police unions our police fors.

You will find our invitation and information about the event in the attachment. Questions or remarks? Ask them.. J

Hope to see you at the conference,


Leen Spoor


E:  lspoor@politiebond.nl

I: www.politiebond.nl

Hertogswetering 159, 3543 AS Utrecht

Postbus 9124, 3506 GC Utrecht